Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS: Taking a Multisectoral Approach


Commonwealth Secretariat


This title is one of a new series of manuals on gender mainstreaming in critical development issues. The Commonwealth approach to gender mainstreaming is the Gender Management System (GMS) a holistic, systemwide approach to bringing a gender perspective to bear in the mainstream of all government policies, plans and programmes. Efforts to contain the spread of HIV/AIDS challenge governments and communities to develop policies and programmes that are dynamic and react to the pandemic as it evolves. This calls for strong and creative leadership, including political will at the highest level and partnerships with all sectors of society.

The manual offers a number of case studies from developing and developed countries, which illustrate how programmes that promote HIV prevention by addressing gender and the social and economic factors that increase people’s risk of infection are more likely to succeed in changing behaviour. It also contains an extensive list of online resources.

Published with the Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health.



1 January 2002