Financing for Development: Perspectives and Issues


Percy S. Mistry


This publication addresses the key issues surrounding financing for development (FfD), the subject of the International UN Conference on Financing for Development (UNCFD) in Mexico in 2002. These key areas are: Domestic Resource Mobilisation; Trade Earnings; Private Capital Flows; Official Flows and Official Development Assistance; External Debt; Systemic Issues Concerning the Architecture and Functioning of the Overall Global Institutional System that Influences FfD. The book also has two introductory chapters setting out the background and rationale for UNCFD, and a summary at the end of the volume highlighting the main recommendations made in the six core areas, focusing on those that go beyond those of the Zedillo Panel Report (ZPR) and the Secretary General's Report (SGR). It is a useful guide for policy makers in developed and developing countries, private sector institutions and international financial institutions.




1 January 2002

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