Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Self-assessment Toolkit: Facilitator Guide


Commonwealth Secretariat


Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is essential to equip youth and adults with the necessary skills for employment and entrepreneurship and to achieve sustainable development. The Nassau Declaration1 at the 19th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (19CCEM) in June 2015 highlighted the Commonwealth values of equity and access, and the key role of education for sustainable development. At this conference, Ministers welcomed the significant contributions of the Commonwealth Ministerial Working Group towards achieving the targets among member countries for quality education involving performance, pathways and productivity (3Ps).

The revised Commonwealth TVET Toolkit 2021 includes new responses for vocational education systems in a post-pandemic world to enable knowledge transfer between member countries and facilitate a green recovery through low carbon industries and economies. This Toolkit is expected to support member countries across the Commonwealth to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their TVET systems, identify key gaps in policies and delivery mechanisms, and prioritise areas for further development.




8 November 2022