Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Toolkit: Short form version


Commonwealth Secretariat


High-quality and accessible Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) lays the foundation for healthy and well-functioning societies. Effective ECCE systems equip young children with the means to develop to their fullest potential during their formative years, in a safe and inspiring environment, nurtured by well trained professional teachers and carers.

The Commonwealth’s ECCE Toolkit has been designed as a resource for Ministers of Education and officials to increase access to quality ECCE services, for ages 0 to 8 years, using a multi-sectoral approach. This toolkit outlines five features to support this approach, covering topics including conducting situational ECCE sector analyses, planning and implementing quality services, methods to expand access, and monitoring and evaluating ECCE systems. In addition, it aims to assist governments in ensuring these services are responsive to the rights, needs, and capabilities of children, their families and their communities.



8 November 2022