Resource Mobilisation Strategy for the Nationally Determined Contribution Implementation Plan of Grenada, 2023-2030


Commonwealth Secretariat


Access to international financial resources is crucial for developing countries and small island developing states (SIDS) to achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). For SIDS such as Grenada, ability to deliver on climate targets depends heavily on ability to access global climate financing. Grenada, in its Second NDC, submitted on 30 November 2020, established a target to reduce emissions by 40 per cent from 2010 levels. There is a need now to develop a strategy to streamline funding movement, as the proposed climate mitigation and adaptation target is conditional on external financing.

Considering that the investment needed in low-carbon and climate-resilient growth in Grenada is substantial, a forward-looking Resource Mobilisation Strategy (RMS) guiding the investment and financing approach for Grenada to achieve its target is of paramount importance. This report aims to fill this need.



30 May 2023