Deepening Intra-Commonwealth Trade and Investment between the UK and Africa


Brendan Vickers
Salamat Ali
Neil Balchin
Kyle de Klerk


The African Commonwealth countries have a long-standing history of strong trade, investment and diaspora linkages with the UK. These economic relationships have been fostered over time as a result of historical ties, similar business procedures and legal systems, and the widespread use of the English language. Together, these 21 countries represent about 40 per cent of the continent’s population and half of its gross domestic product (GDP). They also play a crucial role in driving international trade and investment flows from Africa.

This issue of Trade Hot Topics explores the trade and investment linkages between the 21 African Commonwealth members
 and the UK. It also examines some of the key factors that are redefining these bilateral economic relationships.



31 May 2023

Online ISSN
