Saving Small Island Developing States: Environmental and Natural Resource Challenges
Small may be beautiful, but small island states have a big problem – the environmental consequences of climate change. Emanating from research at the University of Mauritius and with contributions from a wide range of experts, Saving Small Island Developing States introduces and explains the key environmental policy challenges and suggested responses to them.
The book is divided into five sections. Section one provides a theoretical analysis of the issues and concepts. Section two presents four previously published but highly influential papers, which have set the terms of much of the debate on these issues. Section three uses case studies to examine the policy instruments and approaches adopted by small states. Section four looks at environmental policies in action and examines the position of small island states in the world trade arena. The final part explores the global dimensions of environmental management.
Designed particularly to assist the new generation of environmental and natural resource managers in small island states, it will also assist current government policy-makers, as well as academics and students in the fields of public policy and environmental and natural resource management more widely.
Acknowledgements and preface
Concepts and public policy issues in environmental and natural resource analysis
Valuation of non-market environmental goods and services
Impact assessment and biodiversity conservation: An application of EIA and SEA
Environmental policy instruments and governance
How economists see the environment
The obligations of a policy economist
Economic growth, carrying capacity, and the environment
Sustainability: An economist's perspective
Environmental valuation methods in SIDS
Tax instruments for environmental management in tourist destinations
Road transport, motorisation and pollution
An illustration of the tragedy of the commons: The demise of the Aral Sea
Climate change and SIDS
Disaster risk reduction: Practical adaptive options
Coastal lagoon management in three Pacific Island situations: Is scientific knowledge used effectively?
Environmental policy for water resources development: A case study of Trinidad
Sustainable energy from renewable biological resources: Sugarcane bagasse energy cogeneration in Mauritius
Trade liberalisation and environmental considerations for the Caribbean
Intellectual property rights and anti-competitive behaviour: Major deterrents to ecology and economic progress of SIDS
Making sense of the Millennium Development Goals
Methods of analysis used in global and regional assessments and indices of performance in environmental governance
Managing the sustainable development of small island states
Epilogue: Conclusion and discussion of emerging issues and policy agenda
Scenarios for sustainable development: Development v. disaster
From Rio to 2015: An overview of select milestones in regional and global policy formation on sustainable development and environmental management
Glossary of key concepts and key players
About the contributors
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