Effectiveness of Aid for Trade in Small and Vulnerable Economies: An Empirical Assessment
This Economic Paper presents the first analyses of the use and effectiveness of Aid for Trade (AfT), the initiative to help developing countries boost their involvement in the global economy, for small and vulnerable economies (SVEs). It examines in detail the extent to which SVEs have been able to access AfT funds and to what extent this assistance has helped them to improve their trade performance.
Well designed traderelated assistance will help SVEs face the challenges posed by their characteristics, particularly when the prospects for small states have been deteriorating further due to preference erosion and the emergence of new and large competitors.
Background and motivation
The rationale behind aid for trade in SVEs
How SVEs can access aid for trade
Patterns of aid for trade
How aid for trade could help SVEs integrate in the global economy
Empirical analysis on the effects of aid for trade on SVEs
Conclusions and policy implications
Aid for Trade projects in SVEs
Defining ‘Trading Across Borders'
Online ISSN
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