Election Management: A Compendium of Commonwealth Good Practice


Commonwealth Secretariat


Lifting the quality and strengthening the relevance of election management bodies is a continuing work-in-progress: to learn and apply the lessons from each election and rise to the emergence of new challenges, including evolving information and communication technologies and increasing demands for greater transparency and integrity.

Election Management: A Compendium of Commonwealth Good Practice is designed to provide policy makers and staff of election management bodies with a guide to the democratic values, principles and practices of the Commonwealth, which should be reflected in the work they do to consolidate and deepen democracy in their countries. It will also assist governments, political parties and civil society organisations understand better the role, functions and responsibilities of those tasked with delivering credible elections.

Includes annexes from 45 Commonwealth election management bodies on their countries’ standards for democratic legitimacy, legal frameworks, funding arrangements and administrative structure.



11 November 2016