Public–Private Partnerships Policy and Practice: A Reference Guide
Public–Private Partnerships Policy and Practice is a comprehensive reference guide on PPP theory and practice for senior policy-makers and other public sector officials in developing countries. The guide focuses on the key lessons learned – and emerging best practice – from successful and failed PPP transactions over the past thirty years.
The guide avoids jargon and explains relevant concepts in non-specialist language. Key points are summarised at the beginning of each section and provide an overall high-level outline. References are provided throughout and at the end of each section to allow the reader to access further information on specific issues.
List of Abbreviations
Overview of the Reference Guide
Background to PPPs: concepts and key trends
The infrastructure PPP project development process
Constraints to infrastructure PPPs and measures to alleviate them
Donor initiatives to support infrastructure PPPs
Recent PPP experience in Commonwealth developing countries
Key lessons learned and emerging best practices on PPPs
Frequently Asked Questions on PPPs
Trends in private participation in infrastructure in low and middle income countries: 1990-2007
Some useful indicators for Commonwealth developing countries
Donor-backed PPP facilities
Case studies on selected infrastructure PPP transactions
Technical glossary
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