Popularisation of Science and Technology Education: Some Case Studies from Africa


Commonwealth Secretariat


Science and technology, and science and technology education, play a pivotal role in the development of a country’s economy, environment, social relations and other sectors. Human resource development in science and technology is vital in building a critical mass of skilled individuals ready to play a part in the New Africa Partnership (NEPAD) – a rejuvenation and vigorous socio-economic development of the continent. Many African countries have committed considerable resources to its exploitation but more needs to be done to promote, develop and sustain a relevant science and technology culture, which includes problem solving and indigenous aspects, in order to narrow the gap between the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa and the industrialised countries. Through country case studies centred around Sub-Saharan Africa; this book provides critical insights into why science and technology should be popularised; what and whose science and technology systems should be introduced and promoted; and how science and technology should be implemented and practised.




1 January 2002