Economic Paper

56 Titles

This series examines current economic issues from a Commonwealth perspective. The titles in the series are technical papers of topical interest to specialists concerned with trade, micro and macroeconomics, development economics and related subjects.

Online ISSN 2310-1385

All Books


Mauritius: Dynamising Export Competitiveness

Sanjaya Lall, Ganeshan Wignaraja
1 February 1998

ACPEU Trade and Aid Cooperation: Post Lomé IV

Matthew McQueen, Christine Phillips, David Hallam, Alan Swinbank
1 January 1997

Coping with International Capital Flows

Richard Portes, David Vines
1 January 1997

Integrating the Economy and the Environment: Policy and Practice

David Pearce, Ece Ozdemiroglu
1 January 1997

The Uruguay Round and Developing Countries: An Assessment

David Greenaway, Chris Milner
1 January 1996
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