The Commonwealth publishes a number of paper, report and book series, both historical and ongoing.
- Better Schools
- Commonwealth Case Studies in Education
- Commonwealth Education Handbooks
- Commonwealth Election Reports
- Commonwealth Secretariat Discussion Paper
- Commonwealth Secretariat Local Government Reform
- Commonwealth Sustainable Energy Transition Series
- Commonwealth Trade Competitiveness Briefing Paper
- Commonwealth Trade and Enterprise Paper
- Commonwealth Trade Hot Topics
- Commonwealth Trade Express
- Commonwealth Trade Policy Discussion Papers
- Commonwealth Youth Programme Occasional Papers
- Cross-Reference
- Cross-Reference: Learning Materials
- Cross-Reference: Policy Development
- CSC Technical Publication
- Debt Management
- Developing Human Rights Jurisprudence
- Economic Paper
- Economics Technical Working Paper
- Educational Development in the Small States of the Commonwealth
- Education in the Commonwealth
- Explanatory Documentation prepared for Commonwealth Jurisdictions
- Gender Management System
- Guidelines for Exporters of Selected Horticultural Products
- International Trade Working Paper
- Information Technology and Globalisation
- Law Reform in the Commonwealth
- Lessons from the Commonwealth
- Managing the Public Service
- Managing the Public Service: Strategies for Improvement
- Managing Schools in South Africa
- New Gender Mainstreaming Series on Development Issues
- Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism: Discussion Papers
- Public Service Country Profile
- Quality UPE Good Practice
- Resources for Education and their Cost-Effective Use
- Small States Digest
- Small States Matters
- Social Policies in Small States
- Transformation of Societies
- Tropical Trees
- Tropical Trees: Propagation and Planting Manuals
- WCMC Handbooks on Biodiversity Information Management
- Youth and Development in the Commonwealth